The Whiskey History Major

There are 14 Classes in the Canadian Whisky Region Major

(Student must take 9 Classes for Major Ribbon)

The Whiskey History classes

 The Whisky History Major

There are 14 Classes in the Canadian Whiskey Region Major

(Student must take 9 Classes for Major Ribbon)

  1. Whiskey Founders, Bourbon Capital (Course  #341)   

  2. Whiskey Founders, Bluegrass Region (Course  #342)   

  3. Whiskey Founders, Whiskey Row Region (Course  #343)   

  4. Whiskey Founders, Tennessee Region (Course  #358)   

  5. Whiskey Founders, Other States (Course  #344)  

  6. Women in Whiskey Founders (Course  #346)   

  7. Whiskey Founders, Mid-Atlantic Region (Course  #347)   

  8. Whiskey Founders, Canadian Region (Course  #348)   

  9. History of Distillation   (Course #226)

  10. Prohibition Whiskeys   (Course #384)

  11. The Politics of Whiskey   (Course #385)

  12. Bourbon and Horses  (Course  #386)

  13. The Whiskey Rebellion  (Course #387)

  14. Holy Spirits {Whiskey & Religion}   (Course #388)

  15. Whiskey Disasters (Course #395)

For Questions or Additional Information regarding The Whiskey History Major reach out to our Department Head:

Lt. Colonel t.b.a.

Email address:

For a link to tba’s page click link below:

The Whiskey History Department Faculty

Faculty Consists Of The Following Professors:

(click on each name to go to their Faculty Biography)

Note: Whiskey University will mail your physical Major Ribbon Rack ONE TIME during your career with W. U. You may have them mailed to you upon earning all NINE Majors. But it will only mailed to you one time at your cost.

If you want to order Ribbons before your 9th Major, go to this site: Major Ribbons